I like the "feeding the lake" metaphor. All of us readers and writers part of a great watershed.

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I like the word watershed.

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“All of writing is a huge lake. There are great rivers that feed the lake, like Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky. And then there are mere trickles, like Jean Rhys. All that matters is feeding the lake. I don't matter. The lake matters. You must keep feeding the lake.”

- I needed to hear this. I think one of the thoughts that has been holding me back from submitting has been a fear that placing my work into that greater context would suddenly reveal how small and insignificant these scribblings that I've wrung out and worried over and rubbed my sleeves threadbare trying to polish. They may be trickles but they "feed the lake" and that is what matters.

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Yes, dear Inez. Sending every good wish for your writing this year, and see you soon. 🫶🏼

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I resonate with everything in your article Maya, thank you and I look forward to engaging with working out some specific goals

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Thanks so much! Love this: “Writing is likely only one part of your layered and multifaceted life, so setting aside time to actively reflect on how it co-exists with the other parts—and how you’d like to nurture and grow this practice this coming year—is wise.” 💗

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Thank you so much, and happy New Year, dear Jennifer!!!

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Finding, building, and nurturing connections and community make all the difference in how we relate to the word and our own word work.

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Thank you Maya, insightful, as ever. I did have a few doubts about the things not to do part, is there a sense of if we focus on being ‘the top pro’ instead of our true selves, we might lose a little something from our writing, nothing great like a river or a lake, but a little drop of rebellion. Final thought is it’s a generous offer, all of the wisdom here! Have a good 2025

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Glad this just came into my feed. Thank you for the helpful wisdom! I also suddenly have a craving for chips, however…

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